Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Cinematic glory

Ben and Basi's section from the recent NLT videographic epic 'Cloud'. Myself and Matt do a couple of stunts in there too and Basi swizz 180's London Bridge on his way to the offy.

More Skateboarding Videos >>

If you're pickle has been tickled then you can let your eyes bleed over the rest of 'Cloud' at the NLT Mpora page: http://mpora.com/philmcd/videos

Monday, 25 February 2008

s.o.o.n part three

The third and final part of Something Out Of Nothing. Matt ollies that f**kin' big gap at Shell Centre (rip) and lands on his face off a handrail. Enjoy.
Send your hate to either of our Myspace's...

Sunday, 24 February 2008

s.o.o.n part two

Nibs skates in a beret...
He never liked being called 'Nibs', and in fact he probably still doesn't.

Thursday, 21 February 2008


Filmed back in the day when Browncheeks didn't talk about his cock every 5 minutes, S.O.O.N was my first full-length video. There's sections from Mills, Ben, Me, Matt and Ipswich's answer to Jesus, Tom Hedley AKA Nibbles AKA Nibs AKA Nipples.
There's a friends section too, filled mostly with people that don't skate anymore.

Part one has the intro, Mills' treat of a section and Ben's kickflippery all wrapped up nice in it. Part two coming s.o.o.n

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

Baker's favourite American...

Poppin' Fresh, purveyor of fine baked goods...

Monday, 18 February 2008

"If you go around doin' this sorta stuff, somebody's gonna kill you!"

American police = proper cunts

filthy wank

http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=700527&server=www.vimeo.com&fullscreen=1&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color="> http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=700527&server=www.vimeo.com&fullscreen=1&show_title=1&show_byline=1&show_portrait=0&color=" />
NLT'>http://www.vimeo.com/700527/l:embed_700527">NLT at Stoke Skate Plaza from simons'>http://www.vimeo.com/user199566/l:embed_700527">simons 07 on Vimeo.

Friday, 15 February 2008

Two videos not connected in any way whatsoever

It's about f**king time a new Indiana Jones movie came out...though I doubt that little Asian kid's in it...he's probably snortin' his body weight in coke off a whore's back after Temple of Doom...

And a wee bit of footy from Ipper's answer to Indiana Jones:

Monday, 11 February 2008

matts weekend

ermm, after work (see pic of pauls head) i drove down to robos, after parking illegally i went up to his house and we started drinking... little did i know the first drinks were going to be absenthe 85% of pure radness.
it made your face go read and your ears pop!
we hit the pub next, whilst i was talking to frank stephens about the company he wants to start robo pissed us off hitting himself in the head with a fucking tray. we then headed to liquid and the seshen went down, we got started on by 1 too many black people and left.
saturday, i woke up hungover next to robo... not a good start, but then watched a sick tony t part and got stoked at the park. after the day long session this pedo came to the park and took bare pictures of little kids from felixstowe, we were pissed!
the sky was well fiiiiit
there shud be a video of a real wasted guy trying to drop in here, but instead u see me and paul and jenny at 'work'.i took a dead gay photo of robo

i then went home to my lovely girlfriend. i gave ben a lift to munsons and he was so pleased to see i had pirate mickey mouse ears in my car! he was then really pissed when he saw blackwells moped outside munsons.
anyway, peace homies, hope you liked this mind boggingly boring injection of ipswich life

Friday, 8 February 2008

"I wanna thank everybody in the skate industry that is repeatedly fucking our face"

This Chris Nieratko guy owns NJ skateshop down the road from where I'm shacked up. It's probably raining so you might as well watch this video...

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Shiny and New

Matt recently got himself one of these...

Le sick, non?

Monday, 4 February 2008

Friday, 1 February 2008

We just party and pretend we skate

A classic old vid from New Year's at Robo's god knows how long ago.
Worth it just to see Mills dancing to Morrissey.
"You bent my zoot!"